NEWS and updates
Come enjoy food and win the tournament for $50! $5 entry to the event for non-members, and $15 entry for the tournament.
Click here for details!
4/21/2024: SENIOR SEND-off BBQ (MAY 10)!
Come enjoy barbeque and celebrate our graduating seniors with us!
Click here for details!
Support the team and upgrade your wardrobe with this amazing t-shirt!
Click here to preorder!
12/2/2023: Merch Design Contest is Live!
Are you overflowing with artistic ideas for Husky Robotics merch? Husky Robotics is hosting a merch design contest! Enter for a chance to have your design on our 2023-2024 merchandise! (CLOSED)
Click here to make a submission!
11/23/2023: Pie Throwing Fundraiser is Live!
Ever felt the urge to pie a Husky Robotics member in the face? The business team has you covered! For our first fundraiser of the year, we present a rare and fun opportunity to pie members of the Husky Robotics club!
Venmo @HuskyRobotics. $1 per entry
Payment title MUST INCLUDE “pie fundraiser” and the name of the person you nominate!
Pie throw will happen January 6th, bring your friends! Anyone is allowed to participate. Target the leads! (Especially Eli)
9/24/2023: Applications Open!
As we move into a new quarter and a new year, a new application cycle is open! Apply by October 8th to be considered for the team.
Click here to apply now or to read more about the subsystems.
8/14/2023: 2nd at CIRC!
Thank you to everyone for their contribution and hard work to get us there! Great work and let’s keep it up to bring home gold next year!
4/18/2018: New Constitution!
As part of our commitment to improving the team, we have updated the team's constitution to reflect a few role changes and definitions for leadership, the creation of a specific manufacturing team, tweaks to our elections process, and new member applications.
Read it here.
4/14/2018: URC News
Husky Robotics was not selected to participate in the URC. However, we are now looking into participating in the Canadian International Rover Challenge, which will occur August 10-13. While not being selected is disappointing, we'll take this pause and extension to continue improving our team's processes.
12/8/2017: Final meeting for Autumn Quarter, URC Teams
This Saturday (12/9/2017) is the final meeting for Autumn quarter. Our next general meeting will be Saturday, January 6th, 2018. Enjoy winter break!
Further, the URC has posted the teams that have successfully passed the Preliminary Design Review. 95 teams, including Husky Robotics, are in the running this year, up from 82 last year.
11/6/2017: Engineer-it
We will be showing off Songbird and letting attendees of Engineer-it at the Pacific Science Center drive the arm from 10 AM - 6 PM.
11/6/2017: Constitution revised
The team constitution has been revised. You can view it here.
10/22/2017: Applications are closed.
Over 220 UW students have registered to be part of this year's team! This is an incredible increase in our club's membership over our previous years, and we look forward to building our new rover together!
10/3/2017: Applications are open until Midnight, October 21st!
We had a successful informational meeting, but for those who couldn't make it, we've updated the Subsystems Page with estimated weekly time commitments and added in the Business and Manufacturing teams. If you want to join Husky Robotics, fill out an application here before October 8th. There IS a general meeting at 10 AM October 7th, so feel free to come to MEB 238 if you were unable to attend the informational meeting. For those of you who are worrying about the resume request for a software subsystem application, the UW engineering career center is an excellent resource.
Additionally, the UW Engineering Hiring Expo is next Tuesday! Get those resumes ready!
9/19/2017: Getting ready for new members!
We're still hard at work getting ready for the next few weeks. Here's where we'll be in-person to talk with interested Huskies!
We will be part of the Engineering RSO fair on September 26th at the HUB ballroom, from 5-7 PM.
We have a table at the Red Square RSO fair, September 27th & 28th from 10 AM to 3 PM
We will also be giving a short presentation to ESS 102 on September 27th.
Applications will be open on September 26th, under the 'Joining' Tab.
8/28/2017: Interested in Joining Husky Robotics?
As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our team's infrastructure, this year we'll be doing online applications, which will soon be available at the Joining page.
If you'd like to meet us in person, we'll be attending the Red Square RSO Fair September 27 & 28, from 10 AM to 3 PM at Red Square. We will also be at the Engineering Societies Fair, once we know when it will be held.
8/28/2017: Reworking the website
In advance of the 2017-2018 build season starting, we're revamping huskyrobotics.me to improve our site layout and content. This page, for instance, will be hosting changes, events, and notifications, such as when we post new material to our Facebook or YouTube pages.